Who knew?

In 2010, the family of Gene Roddenberry started a foundation to help bring about the vision that he saw for the future of mankind. Each year, they grant money to non-profits that are helping to change the world, one bit at a time. This year, it’s particularly interesting that they have concentrated their efforts in the areas of agriculture and women’s rights and education. Who knew that food and education could bring about a future of egalitarianism? (Apparently, Gene did.)

2018 Roddenberry Prize Awardees

Case Study

Sometimes, I talk about using low tech and high tech together to create more sustainable food systems. What do I mean by this? The best illustration I’ve seen is a case study detailing one man’s use of both. See what you think: https://news.microsoft.com/features/global-garden-how-one-mans-vision-to-feed-his-family-blossomed-into-an-international-effort/?ocid=lock